Many of us don't think twice about our safety when we head off to work, but have you ever considered how safe you are on the job? A recent study titled "Five Deaths a Day: Workplace Fatalities in Canada, 1993-2005" by the Centre for the Study of Living Standards states that 1,097 workplace fatalities were reported in Canada in 2005. This is an increase of 18 per cent from the following year, and is 45 per cent higher than in 1993, just 12 years earlier.

So what are the most dangerous industries in Canada? According to the study, in 2004 the top 5 most dangerous industries to work in were:

  • Fishing and trapping
    This industry has the highest incidence of workplace fatalities with 52 per 100,000 workers.

  • Mining, quarrying and oil wells
    With 46.9 fatalities per 100,000 workers, this industry is the second most dangerous.

  • Logging and forestry
    The logging and forestry industry, with 33.3 workplace fatalities per 100,000 workers, rounds out the top three.

  • Construction
    Construction, not surprisingly can be fatal too, with 20.2 fatalities per 100,000 workers.

  • Transportation and storage
    Coming in fifth as the most dangerous industry, transportation and storage has the distinction of 16.0 workplace fatalities per 100,000 workers.

The five industries listed above are the most dangerous when it comes to deaths resulting from activities on the job. Whether it's a result of traffic accidents, occupational diseases, falls or being struck by an object, these jobs can kill.

To give you an idea on how dangerous these jobs are, compare them to the average fatality rate for all jobs in that year, 2004, which was 5.8 deaths per 100,000 workers.

What's this all mean for you?

Whether you work in an industry that's considered dangerous or not, life insurance can help you financially protect your loved ones should you die during your working years. It's also a key component to a well-designed financial plan.

You should seriously consider life insurance if:

  • You're married
  • You have children
  • You have parents or other family members who depend on your income
  • You have a mortgage
  • Your retirement savings or other accounts won't adequately support your loved ones
  • You are self-employed
  • You have debts like car loans or credit cards which without your financial support would be a financial burden to your survivors

Life insurance provides you with customized coverage for your family's needs. Get and compare life insurance quotes for Term 10, Term 20 or Term to 100 online instantly and round out your financial plan today.

Read more about workplace fatalities in Canada.

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