This section delves into some special situations that can affect your automobile insurance premium and your driving record.

Driving without insurance

Say you're involved in an accident, and you're legally responsible for the accident. This means you're also legally responsible for the damages. If you're uninsured, you'll be charged with driving without insurance, and you'll incur a severe financial penalty. Not too pleasant.

But you're not off the hook yet. You're still responsible for the payments made. Plus, your driver's licence may be suspended until you have made satisfactory arrangements to repay the amount paid out on your behalf. Each year when you renew your automobile licence plate sticker, you'll need to file a certificate with the Ministry of Transportation declaring that you have the required minimum amount of automobile insurance coverage.

An easier approach? Stay insured.

Getting married

Getting married can affect your insurance rates -- just like moving to a new area or purchasing a different car. If you get married, and your spouse has a driver's licence, you need to add your spouse to your policy.

Turning 25

Lots of different factors determine your current insurance rates -- including your age, driving experience and the amount of time you've been a licensed driver. In general, your rates may decline as you age.

Driving in Mexico or the USA

Mexico and the USA have different laws. So driving in those countries may require different types of insurance. Check out the Kanetix article, "Cross-border driving - Make sure you're ready to drive over the 49th parallel" for important information and links.

Moving to another province

The company who currently insures you may not provide insurance in the province where you are moving - and if they do, they might not have the cheapest rate for you. Check out the Kanetix article, "How to get car insurance in a new province" for important information.

Coverage of stolen or damaged personal items

Generally, coverage for in-car stolen or damaged property is covered through your property policy. For example, if your car was broken into and your ski equipment was stolen - it would be covered under your property policy. Please see the Kanetix article, "Why you need property insurance for your car" for more details.

Someone borrows my car

If you let someone use your car -- and that person is not named on your policy -- your coverage applies. But, if the person is involved in an accident, this may affect your car insurance premium and policy coverage. Check out the Kanetix article, "To lend, or not to lend your car?" for more information.

Auto insurance quickguides

The information contained within this article is subject to change. Always speak with your current insurance supplier, or a licensed insurance representative, to answer your specific questions. The information collected and compiled here is intended to simply act as a guide.

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